
Discover A Life Worth Celebrating

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Life is Better Together!

That’s why our Wednesdays small groups are incredible! It is a time to dive deeper into God’s Word and grow in fellowship. God designed us to live in community, not in isolation, so come together with us at 1 PM or 7 PM. Let’s walk through life, supporting and encouraging each other!

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Anchored On The Bible: Can I Rely On The Bible?

Pastor Brian Faria


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Pastor Brian just gave us a sneak peek of our new series, Anchored on the Bible! We’re super excited, and we hope you are too! In the first episode, we dive into why the Bible is what it is and how it’s stayed true through generations.

Want to catch this sermon? You can find all our sermons on YouTube @CICWayland! Be sure to check out this series—and maybe even a few from the past.
Comment below what God has blessed you with in the past few months 👇👇👇👇

Life can get overwhelming with all the news and events around us, but let's take a moment to focus on the good. Let's celebrate together for what God has done!
What does unforgiveness actually do to us? What is the right way to deal with unforgiveness?

Want to watch the full message on Cancel Culture from Pastor Brian? You can on our YouTube @CICwayland. The full message title is "Kids These Days: Cancel Culture"
Who are we going to see tomorrow morning at 10am? Bring a friend and we'll see you at church!
How can we guide our kids and the next generation if we're not following the right path ourselves? Kids are like little sponges—they soak up what they see! So, if they catch us straying off course, can we really be surprised when they don’t follow the rules?

We would love for you to join us this Sunday for our series "Kids These Days". Our services start at 10am! You can visit us in person at 6 Loker St, Wayland, MA 01778. Or online at cicalive.online.church
Last week, our students and leaders had an unforgettable experience at the National Fine Arts Festival in Columbus, OH! Imagine nearly 10,000 passionate teens from all over the country, all gathered to showcase the incredible gifts and talents God has blessed them with through the Assemblies of God. Our students didn't just show up—they absolutely crushed it! For the first time they ever participated in Fine Arts, they not only made it to Nationals, but they also took the evaluators' feedback and ran with it, already applying it in real-world situations. This is just the beginning of something HUGE that God has in store for our students, and we can't wait to see what's next!
We were so blessed to have Pastor Ernie Peacock with us last week. Pastor Ernie gave us a healthy reminder that it is in God's timing not our own. The calling that God has placed on your life is still there. The only thing that has changed is you, not God.